Fiberglass Needle Mat-E (650°C)
The LFJ’s fiberglass needle mat-E is made of 100% glass fiber grade E withstand temperature...
ECR Fiber Needle Mat (750°C)
The LFJ's ECR fiber needle mat is made of 100% glass fiber grade ECR withstand temperature...
Basalt Fiber Needle Mat (750°C)
The LFJ's basalt fiber needle mat is made of 100% basalt glass fiber withstand temperature...
S glass Fiber Needle Mat (850°C)
The LFJ's S-glass fiber needle mat is made of 100% glass fiber grade S with high consists of SiO2,...
Silica Fiber Needle Mat (1000°C)
The LFJ's Silica fiber needle mat is made of 100% silica glass fiber with consists over 96% SiO2...
Base Material for Aerogel Mat / Felt(Up to 1000°C)
As a kind of base material for Aerogel product which provided in service temperature up to 1000℃,...
Stainless Steel Wool
Stainless steel wool is made by shaving process with uniform quality which withstand temperatures...
Stainless Steel Wool Needled Mat
Stainless steel wool needled mat is made by needle punching a continuous web of stainless steel...
Rayon fiber needle mat
Fiberglass Needle Mat can be used to furnace as a material of heat insulation and fire resistant....
Composite PP/E glass fiber needle mat
Fiberglass Needle Mat can be used to household appliance as a material of heat insulation...
Other mixed fiber needle mat
Fiberglass Needle Mat can be used to insulation parts for pipelines, turbines and fittings...
Industrial Pipe Insulation
Lih Feng Jiing's Industrial Pipe Insulation product made of glassfiber needled mat by heat...